
JournalPo-An Chen, Chi-Jen Lu, and Yu-Sin LuAn Alternating Algorithm for Finding Linear Arrow-Debreu Market EquilibriaIn Theory of Computing Systems (TOCS), Volume 65, Issue 52021/06
JournalChuang-Chieh Lin, Chi-Jen Lu, and Po-An ChenHow Good is a Two-Party Election Game?In Theoretical Computer Science (TCS), Volume 8712021/06
JournalChu-Han Cheng, Po-An Chen, and Wing-Kai WonBudget-Constrained Multi-Battle Contests: A New Perspective and AnalysisIn Theoretical Computer Science (TCS), Volume 7212018/04
JournalPo-An ChenGeneralized Mirror descents with Non-Convex Potential Functions in Atomic Congestion Games: Continuous Time and Discrete TimeIn Information Processing Letters (IPL), Volume 1302018/02
JournalPo-An Chen, Chi-Jen LuGeneralized Mirror Descents in Congestion GamesIn Artificial Intelligence (AIJ), Volume 2412016/12
JournalPo-An Chen, Yi-Le Chen, and Chi-Jen LuBounds on the Price of Anarchy for a More General Class of Directed Graphs in Opinion Formation GamesIn Operations Research Letters (ORL), Volume 44 Issue 62016/11
JournalPo-An ChenHow Egalitarian Are Nash Equilibria in Network Cost-Sharing Games?In Operations Research Letters (ORL), Volume 43, Issue 62015/11
JournalPo-An Chen, Bart de Keijzer, David Kempe, Guido SchaeferAltruism and Its Impact on the Price of AnarchyIn ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation (ACM TEAC), Volume 2 Issue 4, Article No. 172014/10
Conference ProceedingsPo-An Chen, Ya-Wen Cheng, Yao-Wei TsengMixed Integer Programming and LP Rounding for Opinion Maximization on Directed Acyclic GraphsIn Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Complex Networks and their Applications (CNA'21), Madrid, Spain (virtual conference)
Conference ProceedingsPo-An ChenGeneralized Mirror Descents with Non-Convex Potential Functions in Atomic Congestion GamesIn Supplementary Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Discrete Optimization and Operations Research (DOOR'16), Vladivostok, Russia
Conference ProceedingsPo-An Chen, Chi-Jen LuPlaying Congestion Games with Bandit Feedbacks (Extended Abstract)In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS'15). Istanbul, Turkey
Conference ProceedingsPo-An Chen, Chi-Jen LuGeneralized Mirror Descents in Congestion Games with Splittable FlowsIn Proceedings of the 13rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS'14). Paris, France (acceptance rate: 24%)
Conference ProceedingsPo-An Chen, Bart de Keijzer, David Kempe, and Guido SchaeferThe Robust Price of Anarchy of Altruistic Games. (Short paper)In Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Internet & Network Economics (WINE'11), Singapore2011/12/11-14
Conference ProceedingsPo-An Chen, Mary David, and David KempeBetter Vaccination Strategies for Better PeopleIn Proceedings of the 11th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC'10). Cambridge, MA, USA (acceptance rate: 33%)2010/06/09-11
Conference ProceedingsXiaoxun Sun, William Yeoh, Po-An Chen, Sven KoenigSimple Optimization Techniques for A*-Based SearchIn Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. (AAMAS'09) Budapest, Hungary (acceptance rate: 22%)2009/05/10-15
Conference ProceedingsPo-An Chen and David KempeAltruism, Selfishness, and Spite in Traffic RoutingIn Proceedings of the 9th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC'08). Chicago, IL, USA (acceptance rate: 19%)2008/07/10-12
Conference ProceedingsPo-An Chen and Tyng-Ruey ChuangTruthful Online Auctions for Pricing Peer-to-Peer ServicesIn Proceedings of the 7th International IEEE Conference on E-Commerce Technology 2005 (CEC'05). Munich, Germany (acceptance rate: 21%)2005/07/19-22
Conference Po-An Chen, Yiling Chen, Chi-Jen Lu, and Chuang-Chieh LinProfitable Market Making (Abstract)In the 14th Annual Meeting of the Asian Association for Algorithms and Computation (AAAC’21). Tainan, Taiwan
Conference Young-Ge Yang, Yu-Ching Lee, and Po-An ChenCompetitive Demand Learning: A Data-Driven Pricing AlgorithmIn the 6th World Congress of the Game Theory Society (GAMES'21). Budapest, Hungary (virtual conference)
Conference Wei-Cheng Tseng, Yen-Jen Su, and Po-An ChenAn Algorithm for Finding Equilibria in Linear Arrow-Debreu Markets: Simulation and Numerical Computation (In Chinese)Oral presentation. In the 31st International Conference on Information Management (ICIM'20). NCYU, Taiwan
Conference Po-An Chen, Chi-Jen Lu, and Yu-Sin LuAn Alternating Algorithm for Finding Linear Arrow-Debreu Market EquilibriaOral presentation. In the 6th International Conference on Continuous Optimization (ICCOPT'19). Berlin, Germany
Conference Po-An Chen and Chia-Cheng LiuRandomized Local Policies for Scheduling Games with Multi-Job Players (In Chinese). Best paper awardOral presentation. In the 36th Workshop on Combinatorial Mathematics and Computation Theory (WCMCT'19). NCTU, Taiwan
Conference Chu-Han Cheng, Po-An Chen, and Wing-Kai HonBudget-Constrained Multi-Battle Contests: A New Perspective and AnalysisOral presentation. In the 5th World Congress of the Game Theory Society (GAMES'16). Maastricht, the Netherlands
Conference Po-An Chen, Yi-Le Chen, and Chi-Jen LuHow Much of a Person Influencing the Others and Being Influenced Matters in Opinion Formation Games (Extended Abstract)Oral presentation. In the ACM Collective Intelligence Conference 2016 (CI'16). New York City, USA
Conference Rajiv T.Maheswaran, Craig M. Rogers, Romeo Sanchez, Pedro Szekely and Po-An ChenScaling in Domains with Uncertainty: Criticality Sensitive CoordinationIn the 3rd Workshop on Challenges in the Coordination of Large Scale Multi-Agent Systems (LSMAS), AAMAS 2006.
Conference Rajiv T. Maheswaran, Craig M. Rogers, Romeo Sanchez, Pedro Szekely and Po-An ChenDistributed Scheduling for Multi-Agent Teamwork in Uncertain Domains: Criticality-Sensitive CoordinationIn the Workshop on Multi-Agent Sequential Decision Making in Uncertain Domains (MSDM), AAMAS 2006
Conference Po-An Chen and David KempeAltruism and Selfishness in Traffic RoutingIn the 45th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing. Invited talk. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA2007/09/26-28